【海牙/使馆】Canada加拿大文件领事认证/海牙认证/双认证/使馆认证(Authentications and Apostilles)


Canada Authentication Services (加拿大领事认证)

加拿大不是海牙组织成员国,所以目前在加拿大领事认证替代海牙认证(In Canada, the authentication andlegalization of documents process replaces the Apostille process)。意味着加拿大的文件只能做使馆认证。At this time,Canada is not a party to the Apostille Convention and does not issue apostilles.


一、Authentication of documents:加拿大领事认证







-不认可的教育机构的文件(unrecognized educational institutions);









































-Marriage search letter





-Professional certificate(Certificatesof standing (or certificates of good standing))






(一)加拿大境内In Canada
Bring all the required documents to:

Authentication office
111 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
1st floor (Follow signs for JLAC- Authentication Services Section)

(二)加拿大境外If you are outside of Canada
Foreign authorities may not accept documents that have not been legalized by their embassy or consulate in Canada.

Check with the nearest Canadian embassy, highcommission or consulate to see whether they canauthenticate your documents. If they cannot do so, you can mail the documents to our office in Ottawa.

(1)Authentication by mail or courier

Send your documents to:

Global Affairs Canada
Authentication Services Section (JLAC)
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2

(2)Upon request, we can forward your authenticated documents to anembassy, high commission or consulate in Ottawa. Here are the instructions:
Due to the COVID-19 situation, we may not  be able to forward your documents. Many Embassies, High Commissions and  Consulates located in Ottawa are temporarily closed.





 Authenticating the signature and seal of aforeign authority, including an officially authorized translator

$50 per document

Obtaining a legalization or othercertification from a foreign authority in respect of any document (in additionto costs charged by the foreign authority, if any)

$50 per document


(四)加拿大领事认证处理周期Processing times-新新对公

Delivery and pick-up in person


Delivery and return by mail

10 business days from the date we receiveyour documents.




You can call us at 1-833-928-1551 or email usat docs@international.gc.ca.






The Statement In Lieu of Certificate of Non-Impediment to Marriage Abroad

The Statement In Lieu of Certificate of Non-Impediment to Marriage Abroad is issued by Global Affairs Canada Authentication Sector in Ottawa. The Statement In Lieu of Certificate of Non-Impediment to Marriage Abroad might be required to be obtained by the Canadian residents who intend to get married outside of Canada.

1.If you were not born in Canada, originals or certified true copies of your Canadian citizenship card, permanent resident card or passport.
2. If you were born in Canada –  Certified true copy of the Canadian Birth Certificate or passport.
3. Statutory declaration stating your full name, present marital status and your permanent address in Canada. This document has to be certified by a Canadian notary public or a Commissioner of Oath. Please contact us for the sample of the statutory declaration.
4. If you have been married before, the original or appropriately certified true copy of a divorce certificate. If widowed: a certified copy of the death certificate of your deceased spouse.

I have a notarized copy of my birth certificate。 Is Global Affairs Canada able to authenticate it?

No, Global Affairs Canada can’t authenticate a notarized copy of your birth certificate instead of the original. Effective April 1st, 2020, Global Affairs Canada has updated its policy pertaining to the authentication of certificates issued by the provincial Vital Statistics Offices. Now, only original certificates or certified copies issued directly by Vital Statistics Offices can be authenticated by the Global Affairs Canada’s authentication sector. If you choose not to authenticate the original birth certificate you can order a certified copy from your provincial Vital Statistics Office for the authentication process.


Power of Attorney Authentication

Please note, that if the power of attorney is not in English or French, the certified translation will be required.


加拿大不是海牙组织成员国,所以加拿大的文件不能做海牙认证,只能做使馆认证。使馆认证分为两步,先是由加拿大Global Affairs Canada机构Global Affairs Canada in Ottawa负责authentication,然后再由相应的使馆进行legalization。


Birth Certificate Authentication

加拿大的出生证明认证由加拿大Global Affairs Canada机构负责。确保文件真实并且是加拿大合法获得的。加拿大Global Affairs Canada机构有的时候能用时一个月才完成第一步的认证,如果当面去则可能立刻就完成。第二步的周期根据使馆的不同而不同,有的需要7-10个工作日完成,有的在你等的过程中就可以完成。

Normally, two steps required to authenticate the Canadian birth certificates:

Birth Certificate Authentication at the Global Affairs Canada;
Birth Certificate Legalization at the Embassy/Consulate in Canada


Marriage Certificate Authentication:


This process in general requires two steps:

Marriage Certificate Authentication at the Global Affairs Canada;
Marriage Certificate  Legalization at the Embassy/Consulate in Canada


Degree Authentication Process in Canada


The degree authentication is quite complex in Canada, especially if you need to present your documents in Qatar, UAE or China.While some embassies legalize the degrees as is, some Embassies like UAE Embassy in Ottawa or Qatar Embassy in Ottawa will require the official transcripts to be mailed to them directly from universities.


Canadian Criminal Record Check Certificate

加拿大警察局官网: https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/types-criminal-background-checks

加拿大有三种无犯罪记录:联邦警察局签发(要指纹)、省local police station签发(不要指纹)、Vulnerable sector check(弱势群体无犯罪证明,比如教师、护工等特特殊职业,查看是否有性侵犯犯罪记录)

(一)联邦签发的RCMP Criminal Record Check Certificate(Certified criminal record checks):由渥太华RCMP总部签发,是最可信的证明。基于姓名、出生日期、指纹来检索。指纹必须提交。在加拿大,指纹可以用当地的警察局采集,也可以在在加拿大指定的指纹采集机构采集。在加拿大境外由加拿大境外的指纹采集机构采集。

(二)省签发和电子签发的无犯罪证明由省市警察局签发(Name-based criminal record checks)。只基于姓名和出生日期,不需要指纹。没有指纹的无犯罪证明如果需要使馆认证,必须先公证处公证(Moreover, the provincial criminal record check certificates must be notarized first before they can be authenticated by the Department of Foreign Affairs.)。最快的可能2个小时就能出具。大约就是一天的样子。

with two valid IDs to obtain a name and date of birth based crim­i­nal record check (including Judicial Matters Check) for employment, vol­un­teer work, school program, real estate license, warehouse, taxi license, trucking license and other civil screening purposes.

A Crim­i­nal Record Check (also known as Background Check, CPIC, Police Clearance, Crim­i­nal Background Check, Police Clearance Cer­tifi­cate, Police Check, and Police Records Check) is a search based on individual’s name and date of birth (in the RCMP National Repos­i­tory of Crim­i­nal Records) to determine whether an indi­vid­ual has a crim­i­nal record. A Crim­i­nal Record Check may also include a search of a Canadian police service’s local records, which may reveal crim­i­nal record infor­ma­tion that has not been reported to the RCMP.

Bring two valid IDs. At least one of the fol­low­ing primary pieces of iden­ti­fi­ca­tion must be provided, along with a secondary I.D. that includes a signature:

  • Driver’s Licence 

  • Canadian Passport

  • Foreign Passport

  • Canadian Cit­i­zen­ship Card

  • Per­ma­nent Res­i­dent (PR) Card

  • Cer­tifi­cate of Indian Status

  • Student Identity Card 

  • Firearms Acqui­si­tion Cer­tifi­cate (FAC)

  • Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Card

  • Federal, Provin­cial or Munic­i­pal Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Card

  • Mil­i­tary Family Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Card (MFID)

Immigration papers and Social Insurance Number Card are not acceptable.

(三)弱势群体无犯罪证明(比如教师、护工等特特殊职业):Vulnerable sector check--一般人涉及不到
A vulnerable sector check is a police information check plus a check to see if a person has a record suspension (pardon) for sexual offences.Vulnerable sector checks were created in 2000 to protect children and vulnerable persons





各国无犯罪证明(Police Certificate)、海牙认证(Apostille)、领事认证(Legalization)办理- © Copyright - 新新对公--跨国文件综合对公服务 京ICP备2021006529号-2/ 京公网安备11010502045277号