【海牙/使馆】France法国文件领事认证/海牙认证/双认证/使馆认证(Authentications and Apostilles)
The official list can be found at The HagueConference on Private International Law's website: 截止到2024年,有组织成员如下(其中中国是中国大陆、中国香港和澳门)。
法国文件用于其他国家,一般需要做双认证(authentication)。第一步,先到Legalizations office认证(legalized),第二步再到外国驻法国的领事馆认证(super-legalized or over-legalization)。
In France
The price is 10 euros per legalized document, regardless of the number of pages.
Cost: 25 euros per legalized document (or 15 euros for French people registered in the French Register established outside of France).
Administrative acts
Civil status certificates
Acts issued by European bodies andinternational organizations
Legal documents (divorce decrees, etc.)
Notarial acts(公证处文件)
Private documents (statutes章程, powers ofattorney, commercial documents etc.)
National identity card, passport, familybook
Medical certificates
French nationality certificates
Extracts from the criminal record (bulletinn ° 3)
Decrees published in the Official Journal
French diplomas
If your document is not included in this list, you can contact the legalization office directly, by email at thefollowing address: bureau.legalisation @ diplomatie.gouv.fr(responsewithin 24 hours from Monday to Friday)
The process is done in 2 steps:
Legalization of the French act by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (legalization office)
Legalization by the diplomatic or consularrepresentation in France of the country in which the act must be produced
私人文件在去Legalizations office认证之前,要先经公证处公证。
Legalization procedures can be carried outdirectly at the reception of our offices, or by post.The procedure is asfollows:
AT RECEPTION (opening hours: 08: 30-13: 15)without appointment; legalization will then be carried out immediately,unless there are more than 15 documents.
The fee is € 10 per legalized document, regardless of the number ofpages.
BY POST (processing time from reception,not including delivery time: 48-72 hours).
Fee (per document, not per page): € 10 for a document of any type;
Send all items to:
Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
Bureau des Légalisations
57, Boulevard des Invalides
75007 PARIS
对于海牙组织成员国使用的文件,领事认证的双认证可以简化为海牙认证(Apositille)。It does not fall under the competence of the legalization office , but that of the Ministry of Justice。归属法国司法部负责。
Civil status certificate: birth certificate, marriage certificate ...
Notarial act: certificate, act of notoriety...
Administrative act: tax notice, universitydiploma ...
Judicial document: judgment, certificate ofnon-appeal, extract from criminal record ...
Official declaration mentioned on a privatedeed : registration, visa for a certain date, certification ofsignature ...
The issuance of the apostille is free.
法国文件Legalization and Apostille:
Legalization or apostille of a French document for a foreign authority
Legalize a document
Legalizations office
Additional information: Physicalreception from 8:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Monday to Friday.Privilege messaging. Nomore telephone answering.
Email: bureau.legalisation@diplomatie.gouv.fr
The translation must be done by a sworntranslator .: https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F12956
Previous page: 【海牙/使馆】Singapore新加坡文件领事认证/海牙认证/双认证/使馆认证(Authentications and Apostilles)
Next page: 【海牙/使馆】Canada加拿大文件领事认证/海牙认证/双认证/使馆认证(Authentications and Apostilles)