




However, many countries, which are not members of the Hague Convention, in some cases require the presentation of documents with the affixing of the "Apostilla" stamp.

In any case, the most important source of truthful information, regarding the rules for the formalization of the documents you submit, is undoubtedly the organization where you intend to submit these documents.

For the legalization of degrees for the United Arab Emirates, a certificate from the higher education institution must be presented, certifying the actual issue of the degree. We can take care of obtaining this certificate. If there is an apostille on your degree, the certificate from the educational institution is not required.

Although the United Arab Emirates is not a signatory state to the Hague Convention and therefore, the apostille is not accepted as a form of legalization of documents, the United Arab Emirates Consulate in Moscow requires the affixing of the apostille on the original in order to the legalization of the degrees, or the certificate of the aforementioned educational institution. In general, it should be emphasized that the presence of the apostille on the original of the document is the only way to check the authenticity of the didactic document and confirm its real issue.  

It should be noted that the requirements of the United Arab Emirates Consulate cover only higher education, vocational middle education, science candidate and doctoral degrees and degrees. The presence of the apostille on the originals of the lower secondary education certificates is not necessary.




Legalization exemption
According to the art. 13 of the Minsk Convention on legal assistance in civil, family and criminal matters, which is valid on the territory of the acceding countries, the documents of the member states do not require consular legalization.

It includes the following states: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan.

Russia has been a party to the Minsk Convention since 1994. For the other member states, the legalization of documents issued in Russia by apostille is not necessary. 
For the use of documents issued in Russia, a notary-certified translation is required in the above-mentioned countries.



苏联解体后,各新独立国家在宪法中均规定了当地主体民族语言为国语(官方语言),废除俄语作为交际语言的地位(哈萨克斯坦除外)。 可以参考《苏联解体后境外俄罗斯人问题》这篇论文的研究内容。 



Pursuant to an EU Regulation which promotes the free movement of citizens, certain public documents and their certified copies are exempt from legalisation and the apostille formality within the EU from 16 February 2019.




各国无犯罪证明(Police Certificate)、海牙认证(Apostille)、领事认证(Legalization)办理- © Copyright - 新新对公--跨国文件综合对公服务 京ICP备2021006529号-2/ 京公网安备11010502045277号