


Business 商业移民

Corporate Stream
The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program’s Corporate Stream helps and supports established international corporations looking to expand into Ontario or buy an existing business. Once the business has been successfully established and meets the obligations of a Performance Agreement, a maximum of five key staff that are essential to the establishment, continued operation, and success of the business can become eligible for nomination for permanent resident status.



--国际公司需要运营满3年,Eligible corporate structures include: public corporations, sole proprietorship, and partnerships.

--国际公司必须在安省投资至少 $5 million(扩展业务或购买已经存在的企业);

--需要创造5个新的给加拿大公民或永久居民的永久全职工作机会,才能给一个key staff applicant的移民申请配额。比如,如果提交5个移民申请,需要雇佣25个加拿大公民或永久居民。而且,这些岗位在提交移民申请前,已经雇佣他们满10个月。permanent and full-time job means a position that consists of a minimum of 1,560 hours of paid employment in a 12-month period.

--5个核心员工是安省business的骨干,且是高级管理或专业知识人员,只有一个人可以是NOC A岗位,其他人必须是NOC 0岗位。核心员工近5年必须满3年在安省business position的相关工作经验。而且申请移民时的当前一年在安省该岗位工作。核心员工不能和公司执行董事或董事会或10%股份股东有直系亲属关系。核心员工不能拥有安省business股份,除非是雇佣合同约定的少于10%的 remuneration package;



--必须提交business Plan;


business Plan:

Financialand tax statements;

Sales forecasts;

Competitor analysis;

Industry statistics;

Market trend data;

Employee staffing and human resource plans;

Risk assessments;

Applications for licenses or permits;

Industry association memberships;


Ineligible Types of Businesses 不合格企业类型请参考guide Page 9.






Entrepreneur Stream
The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program’s (OINP) Entrepreneur Stream helps individuals from countries outside of Canada to implement a new business idea or buy an existing business in Ontario. It also offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to be nominated for permanent resident status once their business has been successfully established in Ontario.


申请流程:先创建EOI,然后根据分数排名等待挑选,被挑选后,签订安省Performance Agreement。然后会被签发a temporary work permit support letter to apply for a temporary work permit。来安省履行Performance Agreement后,可以被提名(you and your business partner (if applicable) )。


申请要求:your business partner (if applicable) 也需要同时满足。

--近5年至少3年全职busines experience,工作经验必须是business owner或者高管;

--如果目标企业在GTA,个人净资产需要达到150万加币;如果目标企业在GTA外,则个人净资产需要达到80万加币;如果目标企业在ICT/Digital Communications sector,则个人净资产需要达到80万加币。备注:the Greater Toronto Area (GTA – includes the City of Toronto, Durham, Halton, York and Peel regions)。

--如果目标企业在GTA,个人投资需要达到100万加币,股权至少33.3%;如果目标企业在GTA外,则个人投资需要达到50万加币,股权至少33.3%;如果目标企业在ICT/Digital Communications sector,则个人投资需要达到50万加币,股权至少33.3%。







Ineligible Types of Businesses 不合格企业类型请参考guide Page 11。


How to Structure Your Business Plan 请参考guide PAGE 41页。









安省雇主要能申请必须满足(一)雇主标准(employer criteria)和(二)职位标准(position criteria)

(一)雇主标准(employer criteria)



(3)雇主必须遵守安省就业标准法和职业健康与安全法(Ontario Employment Standards Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act);

(4)雇主(处于大多伦多地区内的)需要满足最近一个财政年至少$1,000,000 in gross annual revenue,在申请人工作地点有5个永久全职雇员是加拿大公民或永久居民。
大多伦多地区指:City of Toronto; Durham Region;Halton Region; Peel Region (Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon);York Region

(5)雇主(处于大多伦多地区外的)需要满足最近一个财政年至少$500,000 in gross annual revenue in gross annual revenue,在申请人工作地点有3个永久全职雇员是加拿大公民或永久居民。

(二)职位标准(position criteria)

(1)是全职(Be full-time position and of an indeterminate duration),每周至少30小时,一年至少1560小时的付薪雇佣;


a. 持有offer的外国工人类别或者持有offer的国际留学生类别(Foreign Worker with a Job Offer Stream or the International Student with a Job Offer Stream),要求是技术类职业(NOC 0AB类)
b. 职业技能需求类(In-Demand Skills Stream),要求是农业和建筑特定职位((NOC CD类)

(3)满足安省中等或低等薪资水平(通过Canada JB查薪资水平https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/LMI_report_area.do?reportOption=wage&PROVINCE_ID=35&GEOAREA_CD=9219&selectLocation=Continue )

a. 外国工人和职业技能需求类( Foreign Worker and In-Demand Skills Streams),该职位必须符合申请人所在的安大略特定就业区域的职业中等工资水平。
b. 国际留学生类别(International Student Stream)该职位必须符合申请人所在的安大略特定就业区域的职业低等工资水平
c. 如果申请人已经为雇主工作了,job offer的薪资水平必须等于或大于雇主当前支付给申请人的薪资。If the applicant is already working for the employer in the position, the wage of the job offer must also be equal to or greater than the wage level that the employer currently pays the applicant in that position.





1. 如果申请人是目前居住在国外、正在访问加拿大或在安大略以外省份或地区工作的个人,雇主必须提供充分的招聘证明(已经在当地做了招聘努力)。—新新源移民
2. 无效Offer包括:A.季节性或兼职工作(无论工作实数怎样)B.分包商,独立承包商和代理机构
3. 工资要求:该计划不考虑计件工资、奖金、佣金、假期工资或非财务报酬,作为未来提名者的工资的一部分。除基础工资外,雇主还可以提供计件工作、奖金、佣金或非财务补偿。然而,这些不会被视为未来被提名人每周或每周基本工资的一部分。—新新源移民


一、Foreign Worker Stream 申请人需要满足要求

(一)Job Offer和职位要求
1.   Offer是全职,每周至少30小时,一年至少1560小时的付薪雇佣; 
2.   职位必须是0AB类别
3.   中等薪资水平 Median Wage Level—https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/LMI_report_area.do?reportOption=wage&PROVINCE_ID=35&GEOAREA_CD=9219&selectLocation=Continue
4.   必须是雇主需要的职位
5.   工作地点主要在安省

1.   工作经验和执照/授权至少满足一种
A. 工作经验:近五年内至少有2年工作经验—新新源移民
a.   NOC代码必须与安省工作offer一样
b.   必须是付薪工作
c.   必须是全职工作
d.   如适用,必须有有效的licence或者authorization
B. 执照或授权:需要有安省job offer上相同职位的有效licence或者authorization





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